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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#387 andersk worksforme OpenAFS getcwd() sometimes returns ENOENT

Every few hours, a server gets stuck in a state where certain users receive ENOENT from getcwd(), resulting in errors like

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
job-working-directory: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
job-working-directory: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory

Sometimes the problem goes away on its own, but usually the server needs to be rebooted.

I attempted to debug this with upstream on 2013-06-11 and 2013-06-16. Using crash, I found that we’re ending up with two dentries referring to the same directory inode, which is bad. We’re all confused.

#390 andersk fixed /__scripts/icons missing on F20

See vs. (for Apache directory indexes).

#3 xavid andersk fixed Interface for automatic vhost management

(Imported from #394939.)


I have a rough prototype of an auto-CNAME script in /mit/geofft/scripts/ People should test it, make sure its logic is right, and laugh at my poor coding standards. I think it handles everything (modulo the special case for "DELETE", which it doesn't explicitly take care of at the moment). It doesn't actually do anything yet, just print the actions that it would take.

I'll make it do something (i.e., e-mail jweiss and dump the vhost into SVN) once I'm confident its existing logic is right. Oh, and recommendations for a decent regex or other pattern-matching check for scripts URLs? (Escaping the string and calling wget is certainly an option.)

Oh, and someone who doesn't "add consult" by default (especially someone with tcsh) should make sure the script can still reach qy.


Yeah, so more people should test this so we can put it into production. Seriously, it takes like 2 minutes to try some valid data and make sure it produces correct output, and then try invalid data and make sure it errors. And maybe 5 more minutes to read through my source and find holes in it. (Although most holes don't matter, since the script executes as the user.)


I fixed some bugs:


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